
....North America
  John Wroe visited America on three occasions:

1840 First visit to New York per ship "Trenton".  Returned to England 3 months later.  
1853 Second visit to America. New York from March - July.
1859 Third visit to America.  May to June. Visited New York, Newark, Drummondville, Niagara Falls and Boston.

A body was established in New York and it is recorded that the members had a separate school for educating their children.  It is also noted that there were a number of different languages amongst the members, and each group would hold members meetings in their own language. John and Margaret Bishop originally Preachers from the United Kingdom played a major role in establishing and running the Church in New York.  There were bodies established in towns throughout America but by the mid twentieth century most of these had ceased operation and the denomination was represented in America through a body operating in Indianapolis.

The New York body met at 108 First Street, New York. Extracts from contemporary sources relating to this body and their activities have been compiled and are available below. Thanks to Gerry Wertkin for creating this compilation.

New York Christian Israelites

Little is known about the early groups of Christian Israelites through North America. Historical sources suggest that there was a body formed in East Orange, New Jersey. A compilation of facts supporting this can be viewed below. Thanks for Gerry Wertkin for his research in creating this document.

East Orange, New Jersey, Christian Israelites.

A body is a group of believers who meet together and that is recognised as a local church within the structure of the organisation.


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